Chapter 10: Routing with NetKAT

In this chapter, we’ll use NetKAT to route traffic in a three-switch network. First, you’ll write and test a forwarding policy. Then, you’ll use the re-use firewall you wrote in the last chapter and apply it to this network. In fact, you’ll learn how package your firewall into a reusable module that you can compose with any other policy. You’ll accomplish this using a key feature of NetKAT: sequential composition.


You will work with the following tree topology:


The figure labels hosts, switches, and port numbers. You can create this topology easily with Mininet:

$ sudo mn --controller=remote --topo=tree,2,2 --mac --arp

tree,2,2 creates a topology of height 2 and fanout 2.

--arp populates host arp table so we don’t have to worry about broadcasting arp packets

Exercise 1: Forwarding


Using NetKAT, write a forwarding policy that connects all hosts to each other. You already know how to do this for a single switch. To write a multi-switch forwarding policy, you can use the switch = n predicate as follows:

  if switch = 1 then
    (* Policy for Switch 1 *)
  else if switch = 2 then
    (* Policy for Switch 2 *)
  else if switch = 3 then
    (* Policy for Switch 3 *)

Save this in a file called and save it in the netkat-tutorial-solutions folder.


Compile and start the controller:

$ ./netkat-build Routing1.d.byte
$ ./Routing1.d.byte

Then launch Mininet in another:

$ sudo mn --controller=remote --topo=tree,2,2 --mac --arp

Then, ensure that all hosts can reach each other:

mininet> pingall

A Reusable Firewall Using Sequential Composition

Now that basic connectivity works, your goal is to apply exactly the same access control policy you built in the last chapter to this new network. Unfortunately, you cannot simply reuse the firewall in its current form, since it has baked-in the forwarding policy for the one-switch network.

Your firewall policy from the previous chapter probably has the following form:

open Frenetic_NetKAT
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
open Forwarding

let%nk firewall =
  {| if (* traffic allowed *) then

To truly separate the forwarding policy from the firewall policy, you will use NetKAT’s sequential composition operator. Sequential composition lets you take any two policies, P and Q, and run them in sequence:

P; Q

This form of composition is akin to pipes in Unix. You can think of P; Q as a way to pipe the packets produced by P into the policy Q. To achieve complex tasks, you can string a long chain of policies together, P1; P2; P3; ... just as you use pipes compose several different Unix programs together.

You’ve probably used grep and pipes in Linux to filter lines of text. You can similarly use sequential composition to filter packets:

$firewall; $forwarding

For this to work, you do need to make one small change to your firewall policy: replace all occurrences of $forwarding with the special action id. The id action is the identity function on packets. When you use id in a policy, you don’t forward it out of a port, but simply leave it unchanged to be processed by the next policy in a sequence. Hopefully, it is evident that if your firewall only applies id and drop, then it becomes truly topology-independent.

Exercise 2: Abstracting the Firewall


In this exercise, you’ll move the firewall you wrote in the last chapter to its own file, and edit it to just id and drop packets. Also, you’ll remove the main loop. Then you will build a multi-module policy that involves and

If you didn’t finish the firewall policy, use this and if you didn’t finish the first routing policy above, use this.

Once you have a firewall policy and a routing policy to start from, continue as follows.

Extra Credit

Per the firewall, host 00:00:00:00:00:02 cannot send a packet to port 25 on host 00:00:00:00:00:04. If host host 00:00:00:00:00:02 attempts to send such a packet, on which switch is that packet dropped? You should be able to answer the question just by reading your policy and inspecting the topology figure above.

API Reference



header accessor functions










Network module
