Chapter 4: Traffic Monitoring with Ox

In this exercise, we will write a controller that measures the volume of Web traffic on a network. To implement monitoring efficiently, we will need to read the traffic statistics counters that OpenFlow switches maintain. You will compose your new traffic monitor with the Repeater with Ox and Firewall with Ox you wrote in earlier exercises.

As usual, we will proceed in two steps: first writing and tesing a traffic monitoring function and then implementing it efficiently using flow tables.

Exercise 1: The Monitoring Function


The monitor should count the total number of packets sent to and received from port 80. Since the packet_in function receives all packets, all you need to do is increment a global counter each time packet_in receives a new packet:

let num_http_packets = ref 0

let packet_in (sw : switchId) (xid : xid) (pktIn : packetIn) : unit =
  if is_http_packet (parse_payload pktIn.payload) then
      num_http_packets := !num_http_packets + 1;
      Printf.printf "Saw %d HTTP packets.\n%!" !num_http_packets

Use the following code as a template for this exercise. Save it in a file called

(* ~/ox-tutorial-solutions/ *)

open Frenetic_Ox
open Frenetic_OpenFlow0x01

module MyApplication = struct
  include DefaultHandlers
  open Platform

  (* [FILL] copy over the packet_in function from
     verbatim, including any helper functions. *)
  let firewall_packet_in (sw : switchId) (xid : xid) (pktIn : packetIn) : unit =

  (* [FILL]: Match HTTP packets *)
  let is_http_packet (pk : Packet.packet) =

  let num_http_packets = ref 0

  let packet_in (sw : switchId) (xid : xid) (pktIn : packetIn) : unit =
    Printf.printf "%s\n%!" (packetIn_to_string pktIn);
    firewall_packet_in sw xid pktIn;
    if is_http_packet (parse_payload pktIn.input_payload) then
        num_http_packets := !num_http_packets + 1;
        Printf.printf "Saw %d HTTP packets.\n%!" !num_http_packets


let _ =
  let module C = Make (MyApplication) in
  C.start ();

Your task:

Building and Testing Your Monitor

You should first test that your monitor preserves the features of the firewall and repeater. To do so, you’ll run the same tests you in the previous chapter. You should next test the monitor by checking that traffic to and from port 80 increments the counter (and that other traffic does not).

If you are seeing packetIn messages in between the HTTP traffic logs, you could comment out the appropriate printf commands.

Exercise 2: Efficiently Monitoring Web Traffic


Switches themselves keeps track of the number of packets (and bytes) they receive. To implement an efficient monitor, we can use OpenFlow’s statistics API to query these counters.

Recall from the [OxRepeater] chapter that each rule in a flow table is associated with a packet-counter that counts the number of packets to which the rule is applied. For example, consider the following flow table:

Priority Pattern Actions Packets Bytes
50 ICMP   2 148
20 all Output AllPorts 300 34674

The first counter states that 2 ICMP packets have been blocked and the secord reports that 300 non-ICMP packets have been forwarded.

We can read these counters using the OpenFlow statistics API, but these are not the counters we are looking for. The problem is that the second rule counts HTTP packets as well as all other non-ICMP traffic. Although this flow table implements the desired forwarding policy, it is too coarse grained to implement the desired monitoring policy.

Copy to a new file and build a flow table. The forwarding logic above requires two rules—one for ICMP and the other for non-ICMP traffic—but we will need additional rules to ensure that we have sufficiently fine-grained counters. In particular, we cannot write a single OpenFlow pattern that matches both HTTP requests and replies. You need to match them separately, using two rules, which will give you two counters. Therefore, you need to read each counter independently and calculate their sum.

We can read counters by calling [send_stats_request] periodically. To do this, use the following function:

let rec periodic_stats_request sw interval xid pat =
  let callback () =
    Printf.printf "Sending stats request to %Ld\n%!" sw;
    send_stats_request sw xid
      (AggregateRequest (pat, 0xff, None));
    periodic_stats_request sw interval xid pat in
  timeout interval callback

Add this definition to your

This function issues a request every interval seconds for counters that match pat. Use periodic_stats_request in switch_connected. For example, in the template below, the program periodically reads the counter for HTTP requests and HTTP responses every five seconds:

let switch_connected (sw : switchId) feats : unit =
  Printf.printf "Switch %Ld connected.\n%!" sw;
  periodic_stats_request sw 5.0 10l match_http_requests;
  periodic_stats_request sw 5.0 20l match_http_responses;

Fill in the patterns match_http_requests and match_http_responses, which you have already calculated in order to install the rules using send_flow_mod.

Finally, we need a stats_reply function that handles the stats responses from the switch and calculates the sum of the two counters. The following code implements such a handler:

let num_http_request_packets = ref 0L
let num_http_response_packets = ref 0L

let stats_reply (sw : switchId) (xid : xid) (stats : reply) : unit =
  match stats with
  | AggregateFlowRep rep ->
      if xid = 10l then
        num_http_request_packets := rep.total_packet_count
      else if xid = 20l then
        num_http_response_packets := rep.total_packet_count
    Printf.printf "Saw %Ld HTTP packets.\n%!"
      (Int64.add !num_http_request_packets !num_http_response_packets)
  | _ -> ()

Building and Testing Your Monitor

Build and test the extended monitor as before.

Extra Credit

Consider what happens if the controller receives HTTP packets before the switch is fully initialized and extend your monitoring program to handle this situation.

API Reference



header accessor functions










Network module
