A subset of the OpenFlow 1.0 messages defined in Section 5.1 of the specification.
type t
| Hello of Cstruct.t |
| ErrorMsg of Error.t |
| EchoRequest of Cstruct.t |
| EchoReply of Cstruct.t |
| VendorMsg of Vendor.t |
| SwitchFeaturesRequest |
| SwitchFeaturesReply of SwitchFeatures.t |
| FlowModMsg of FlowMod.t |
| PacketInMsg of packetIn |
| FlowRemovedMsg of flowRemoved |
| PortStatusMsg of PortStatus.t |
| PacketOutMsg of packetOut |
| BarrierRequest |
| BarrierReply |
| StatsRequestMsg of StatsRequest.t |
| StatsReplyMsg of StatsReply.t |
| SetConfig of SwitchConfig.t |
| ConfigRequestMsg |
| ConfigReplyMsg of SwitchConfig.t |
val header_of : xid ‑> t ‑> OpenFlow_Header.t
val parse : OpenFlow_Header.t ‑> string ‑> xid * t
parse hdr bits
parses the body of a message with header hdr
buffer bits
.(xid, message)
where xid
is the transaction ID.bits
cannot be parsed.bits
contains a valid OpenFlow message that the
parser does not yet handle.val marshal_body : t ‑> Cstruct.t ‑> unit